Covid Series! (Me bored at home making stuff)

TLDR: Create Code for: ControllerSettings, ControllerInput, ControllerTests, CharacterController. Create our Unity CharacterControllers. That's basically it, besides like getting the animations and stuff.

So today (12/13/2020) I got bored and decided "Hey! Let's learn how to make a Character Controller in Unity using an Xbox One Controller!" Well, it has been more work than anticipated, however, it has been a fun learning curve. So lets begin!

Here are my keybindings for the Xbox Controllers inside Unity. This will hopefully allow me to let the user change settings later to whatever they wish!

Fun Fact: Unity has Joystick1 through Joystick8, so from my understanding there can be 8 controllers simultaneously which can be used for the Long Lost Art of Game Development: Couch Coop.

North, East, South, etc is just numpad directions.

So then from here I created my Input Script that uses the settings and returns the inputs from each!

REMINDER: You have to go into Unity Input Settings and setup the axis for the dpad, thumbsticks, and triggers!

Then I created a test script for making sure all of my inputs are working correctly.

From there I then headed over to and Got animations for:

  1. Running
  2. Running/Turning Right
  3. Strafe Right
  4. Running Backward

I imported these into Unity and setup the skeletons and everything. (I'm still new to this part so I stumbled through it and it magically worked.)

From there! I created my CharacterController and setup the blend trees for animations and everything. So it, for the most part would look like this:

Walk forward is a blend tree in the following order, Walk Backward is of a similar fashion.

StrafeLeft | Turn Left | Run | Turn Right | Strafe Right

Yes, we did only import turn/strafe right, but inside the blend tree we can checkmark Invert. So it essentially creates out turn/strafe lefts.

From there I created my Character Controller Script, which is a little buggy for now but I'll post in the future what was wrong with it exactly.

Character Controller Code

Now for a quick little video demonstrating what it is doing.

Yes, this is Laptop Quality. I did this with my laptop in my loft. But! It's just for demonstrations.

Feel free to Contact me with any questions! But remember, I'm not going to code your game for you. I have my own Games to worry about!

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