I can't find Visual Studio Code as an Option inside the Unity Editor External Tools

Hello, Yoconn here with a simple solution for those of you who want to utilize Microsoft's new Unity Extension for Visual Studio Code and Unity, but it isn't showing as an option under External Tools > External Script Editor

Super simple fix I'm just going to be short, simple, and sweet. Not even going to do a lot on the visuals of this page. It's going to look half assed and bad, that's because it is.


As per the Microsoft Instuctions: (simplified ofc)

  1. Install Unity
  2. Install Visual Studio Code
  3. Add the Unity Extension by Microsoft
  4. Select Visual Studio Code as your Editor

But Wait, it isn't an option??


  1. Open your Package Manager inside Unity.
  2. Navigate to "Visual Studio Editor" package.
  3. Click "Unlock" or something in the top right
  4. Go to the "Version History" tab
  5. Update to version 2.0.20
  6. Now! You should be able to select Visual Studio as your editor.

If this helped you out navigate to our TikTok HotBoxedStudios and follow us in appreciation! I'd say Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter Buttt.... I lost the twitter password and haven't cared to reset it cuz, look at twitter... I don't understand Instagram, and Facebook is a pita to work with.

Anyway, have a good one :)


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